Children’s House Palo Solo

Estado de México, Huixquilucan


Casa de los Niños de Palo Solo (CNPS) is a Private Assistance Institution that was born with the objective of providing high-quality Montessori education to the community that lives in the Palo Solo ravine, a marginalized area of ​​Huixquilucan, State of Mexico, with a child population that requires access to educational services.

For 44 years our objective is to promote full development and comprehensive well-being in low-income children from 1.5 years to 12 years of age in the community of Palo Solo in the Municipality of Huixquilucan, State of Mexico under the basic principles of an education based on the Montessori philosophy.

The work of Casa de los Niños de Palo Solo, I.A.P., has not been limited to fulfilling an educational program. It has a Community Attention Center that offers psycho-pedagogical attention in attention to learning, language and neurological problems, as well as psychological help to parents and the community in general; We also offer workshops and conferences for parents and children.

Today, the institution serves more than 650 people, including children, adolescents and adults, thus influencing the social transformation of this community with a comprehensive quality education, which includes the areas of culture, values, health and nutrition, to which family and the community.