We are Horme...

...A network of social projects...

...Inspired in Montessori.

About us


Propagate, maintain and promote the rights of humanity based on the philosophy of María Montessori and the quality standards of AMI.


To be a leading national and international organization for the defense and promotion of the development of the human being with firm steps in social reform based on the Montessori philosophy.


To foster the creation, development and promotion of social benefit projects and programs through the Montessori philosophy in Mexico.

«Horme» Project

In 2019, the international organization Educateurs sans Frontieres (EsF) held its 7th assembly in the city of Tepoztlán, Mexico in collaboration with the affiliated association of AMI Montessori Mexico. From this assembly came the idea of ​​generating a network of social projects to encourage their creation, development and promotion, thus expanding Montessori through all social strata and places in the country, regardless of age, situation or approach.

Thus, Horme emerges as a network of projects and social programs that seek to generate a social impact through the Montessori philosophy within the country, propagating, maintaining and promoting the rights of humanity based on this philosophy. We seek to connect and support social projects that allow us to witness a new humanity by connecting, supporting and promoting independence and sustainability, accompanying development processes.

Projects in our country