Educators for Peace A.C.

Chihuahua, Chihuahua


We are a NGO founded by graduates of master’s degrees in Education for Peace and in alliance with Fundación Vive Mejor A.C. we have developed social impact projects where the construction of Peace communities has been the greatest motivation. The Ethics of Care has been a transversal axis in all our projects that focus on the most vulnerable population, which has led us to develop specific programs that professionalize caregivers of children and adolescents in homes, shelters and boarding schools, strengthening human skills framed in the Montessori philosophy and technical skills according to the EC0934 labor competence standard that lead them to achieve a  certification with official validity by the Ministry of Public Education SEP and CONOCER.

Taking as a reference the positive impact on the previous program and seeing the need to serve another sector of the vulnerable population, a certification program was developed in the EC0669 competence standard for caregivers of Older Adults at home, enriching this program with the fundamentals of Montessori for Old Age and Dementia  that came to us through the AMI trainer Julia Ballesteros Sentíes who has guided us and collaborated for the awareness of caregivers in this philosophy.

Both programs have a broad impact, since they not only dignify the social work carried out by caregivers, promoting the Culture of Good Treatment and a person-centered approach, but also gives added value to the person who is professionalized because it allows him to expand his possibilities of decent employment and even self-employment independently.